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Don't mess around, holidays are for relaxing

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Looking after tourism since 1933

Our work is aimed at raising awareness among our population in general, from schools to professional and institutional bodies, of the importance of preserving our authenticity, ensuring a concept of sustainable tourism that at the same time prioritizes cultural wealth and traditions, order, cleanliness and the natural environment.

We want the Promotion of Ibiza to be an open forum for debate, bringing together general interests, agreeing on strategies and stimulating the association of professionals, workers, companies and entities from all economic and social spheres on the island.

Clubs de Producto

Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

Sobre Nosotros

Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza es una asociación que surge de la iniciativa de un grupo de personas con visión de futuro, que se propusieron estimular, promocionar y desarrollar la incipiente industria turística de Ibiza.