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Ontur Ibiza

If you are a tourism professional in Ibiza: Welcome!
Ibiza ONtur – The Social Club of Fomento del Turismo de Ibiza

The Network of tourism professionals Ibiza ONtur aims to highlight the experience and knowledge of the main players in the sector, as well as to provide solutions to real problems on the island. We work in different areas and have developed different initiatives for our partners and collaborators. Read more...


Ibiza ONtur organizes different conferences and workshops for the continuous training of tourism professionals. While the confinement lasts, consult the online training programs that we have collected.


Come and have a coffee or dinner with us by participating in the different Networking meetings that we organize for our members. While the confinement lasts, check the interviews that we have collected from different tourism professionals.


Find the various job offers from our partner companies.


Check out the different advantages and discounts you get for being a member of Fomento del Turismo.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us if you want to know more about the advantages of belonging to Fomento de Ibiza and Ibiza Ontur:

Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

Sobre Nosotros

Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza es una asociación que surge de la iniciativa de un grupo de personas con visión de futuro, que se propusieron estimular, promocionar y desarrollar la incipiente industria turística de Ibiza.